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Legal Notice

1. Company details



NIF: B65373839
Registered office: C / Trobador 17 Entresol 08041 Barcelona
Phone: 902 918 054


The access to our Web page by the User is conditioned to the previous reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of the present GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in force at the time of access and that we ask you to read carefully. If the User does not agree with these, he must refrain from using this portal and operating through it.


Through this website we offer various services, as well as various content related to the world of computers and the Internet, without this implying, in principle, a professional or commercial relationship with the User. In the case of contracting services offered on the website, it will imply the subjection of the User to the conditions and terms of contracting, which particularly regulate this service.


At any time ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL may modify the presentation and configuration of the website and even delete it from the Network, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without notice.




2. Intellectual and industrial property rights


All rights derived from intellectual and industrial property are expressly reserved by ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL. The information and contents collected throughout the website are protected by Spanish legislation in favor of ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL does not allow, in whole or in part, the reproduction, publication, computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or decompilation or other rights legally recognized to its owner, without the prior written permission. The User, solely and exclusively, may use the material appearing on this website for personal and private use, and its use for commercial purposes or any other use other than personal and private is prohibited except for the material clearly indicated. in writing for commercial use.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL will ensure compliance with the above conditions and the proper use of its intellectual and industrial property by exercising all legal actions that correspond to it.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL may modify, without prior notice, the information contained on its website, as well as its configuration and presentation.




3. Conditions of access


The User must access our website in accordance with good faith, the rules of public order, these General Conditions of Use and, where applicable, the specific conditions of use that may be applicable. application. Access to our website is made under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, who will in any case be liable for any damages that may be caused to third parties or to ourselves.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL, by virtue of the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, regarding the duty to collaborate with the competent bodies, will suspend the contracted service when urged by the judicial or administrative body formally requesting it. Likewise, if ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL is aware of and certifies that alleged illegal actions are being committed or that they infringe the rights of third parties, it must inform the competent authorities.


The user is expressly prohibited from using and obtaining the services and content offered on this website, by procedures other than those stipulated in these conditions of use, and where applicable in the contractual conditions governing the acquisition of certain services.


Taking into account its impossibility of control with respect to the information, contents and services that contain other web pages that can be accessed through the links (links, banners, buttons, search engines ....) that our website puts at your disposal, we inform you that ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these web pages outside our company by the User, to which we recommend read the legal notices governing all websites.


The existence of hyperlinks on third-party websites that allow access to our portal will not imply in any case the existence of commercial or commercial relations with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL of its contents or services.




4. Responsibilities


By making this website available to the User, we want to offer a whole series of quality services and content, using the utmost diligence in providing them as well as in the technological means used. However, we will not be liable for the presence of viruses and other elements that may in any way damage the computer system, documents and files of the User.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity and validity of the contents of this website, whether own, third party, or linkable to other sites or web pages, being completely exonerated from any liability arising from the use of the same.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL does not guarantee the correct operation with respect to the availability and continuity of our website. As far as possible, we will try to inform Users of any interruption in the service and resolve it as soon as possible. However, ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL is exempt from any liability arising from the incorrect operation or interruptions of our website.


The User assumes all responsibility arising from the use of our website, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the website arising from, including, but not limited to, any economic result, adverse technical and / or legal, as well as the fraud of the expectations generated by our portal, forcing the user to keep ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL unharmed for any claim arising, directly or indirectly from such facts.


It is forbidden to access, modify, view the configuration, structure and files of the servers of ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL. Any problem that may occur in the servers and security systems of ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL as a direct consequence of a negligent action of the customer, he will be responsible for the civil and criminal liability that may correspond.


The User will respect the technical standards set by ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL in the administration and development of the contracted products so that there is no abusive use that slows down the servers to the detriment of the provision of products or rights of other customers.


The USER acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our portal, and acknowledges that they are sufficient to exclude the error in them, and therefore accepts them in full and expressly.


The USER is fully aware that the mere browsing of this website, as well as the use of its services, implies acceptance of these conditions of use.


Everything on our website is governed exclusively by Spanish law. In the event of any discrepancy or difference between the parties in relation to the interpretation and content of this website, all parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city. of Girona (Spain).




5. Privacy policy


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL informs that in order to make use of some of the telematic services offered on our Internet portal, as well as to invoice the services provided and provide the commercial news of our company or request information, it is necessary that provides us with certain personal data, which in compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), will be processed and incorporated into our corresponding files for the sole purpose of providing the services offered. We also inform you that our files are legally registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


1. Consent and authorization to the processing of your personal data.
ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL, as File Manager, considers that at the time you provide us with your personal data through the various forms contained on this website or by e-mail, you are granting us your authorization and express consent to to the processing of your data in our files, although revocable and without retroactive effects, and accepts these privacy policies regarding your data, which will be treated with absolute confidentiality and complying with all legal requirements contained in the Law Organic 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 on the development of the LOPD and other applicable legislation. These privacy policies are governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain, being subject to it, both nationals and foreigners who use this website.


The provision of data by children under 14 years of age is not permitted without the proper permission of their parents or legal guardians. ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL is exempt from any liability, given the impossibility of effective verification of the age of the User, for the provision of personal data of minors of the indicated age.


In accordance with the current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL with CIF B65373839 and registered office located at C / Trobador 17 Entresol 08041 Barcelona, ​​in order to attend to your queries and send you related information that may be of interest to you. In compliance with current regulations, ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL informs that the data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to comply with the precepts mentioned above.

Unless you tell us otherwise, we understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have your consent to use it for the purposes mentioned.

ZAMORANO i VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL informs that it will process the data in a lawful, fair, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and up-to-date manner. That is why ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures so that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.

In accordance with the rights conferred by current regulations on data protection, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data as well as consent. lent for the treatment of the same, directing his request to the postal address indicated above or to the email

We inform you that we will process your data in accordance with the existence of your consent. He may contact the competent Control Authority to submit the complaint he deems appropriate.


2. What data are requested and for what purpose.
ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL, informs that, in no case, it is obliged to provide us with its personal data, and that these are the appropriate, relevant and strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected, however, these are essential to provide you with the services offered, so the details of the forms outlined with an asterisk (*) are required.


The purpose of the request for personal data on our website is none other than to be able to offer you the following services:

Inform of the services of ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL: we request your personal data in order to provide you with the commercial information of any of our services that you request from us or that ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL believes that it may be yours interest (Clients File).


Contact forms to answer your requests for information or questions and send you commercial information about our services.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL, reserves the right to decide whether or not to include your personal data in your files.


3. Commercial communications with users.
In compliance with article 21 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, which prohibits the sending of commercial communications by e-mail that have not previously been expressly authorized by the recipients thereof. , we inform you that by accepting the general conditions of contract or requesting commercial information, you expressly authorize us to send you our technical, commercial, advertising, informative or promotional shipments by e-mail to the e-mail address provided to us, always revocable in each of our shipments, or before receipt in the commercial e-mail [@]


4. Rights of access, rectification and cancellation of your personal data.

At any time you have the right to object to the sending of commercial information, as well as to exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation, by sending a letter, accompanied by a photocopy of your ID, to ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL - LOPD CLIENTS C / Segre, 16 - 08459 Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Barcelona). Spain.


5. Assignment or communication of your data.

ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL, informs you that your data is treated confidentially and is used exclusively internally and for the purposes indicated. Therefore, we do not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, unless you authorize us to do so, and in the cases provided by law.


In any case, you expressly authorize us to communicate your personal data to the bodies authorized for Internet domain registration (specified in the domain agreement) in order to carry out the requested domain name registration, and appear on the Whois database - and, where applicable, the ESNIC - which regulates these bodies and which contains all the holders of the domains currently registered.


6. Updating and Canceling your data.

It is important that in order for us to keep your personal data up to date, you inform us whenever there has been any modification in them, otherwise ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL will not be responsible for their veracity. You also certify to us that all the data you provide us are true, valid and relevant for the purpose for which we request them, and that you provide them for yourself. We understand that if you do not expressly delete your personal data from our files, you remain interested in continuing to incorporate them until ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL deems it appropriate and as long as it is appropriate for the purpose for which they were obtained.


7. Cookies.

ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL may use cookies that will be stored on your computer. Cookies are small files that our computer sends to you, but which do not provide us with information about your name or any personal data about you. The cookies we use cannot read data from your computer or read the cookies that exist on your computer. When the user is browsing the web pages of ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL the server where it is hosted automatically recognizes the IP address of your computer, the day and time when the visit begins, when you leave the visit , as well as information on the different sections consulted. The server needs to know this data in order to communicate and send the request made and that can be seen on the screen through the browser.

If you wish you can configure your browser so that it notifies you on the screen if you will receive a cookie. The user can configure their computer so that they do not receive these cookies, this fact will not prevent access to the information on the website


8. Guarantee of Confidentiality and Security of automated files.

ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance in terms of protection and confidentiality required by your personal data, informs you that it has taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security of the same as required by Royal Decree 1720/2007 which regulates the regulation of security measures for files containing personal data. However, the user should be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable. ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL contains links to other sites or web pages outside our company, so we cannot guarantee or respond to the security regarding your personal data that the user provides in these portals. Accordingly, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of these websites.


ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL may modify these privacy policies to adapt them to the legislative or jurisprudential measures on personal data that appear, so it requires reading, each time you provide your data through this website.





6. Specific conditions - Contracts




At ZAMORANO I VIÑALS ASSOCIATS SL we want you to have things very clear, so we put at your disposal the contracts applicable to our products before you start the contracting process so that you can have access to them and review with all the time in the world and don’t have last minute surprises. We also show you the last date on which any of them has been modified in case the renewal period is approaching and you want to consult it carefully.



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