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Mobile Telephony Rates

The little ones

150 min + 1GB

VAT included

VAT included

Unlimited + 12 GB

The big ones

VAT included

Unlimited + 20 GB
VAT included

Unlimited + 25 GB

Coverage: Orange, Movistar and Yoigo!
No stays!!

VAT included

Unlimited + 50 GB
VAT included


The shared ones

VAT included

VAT included

Change to
Shared 60 !!
VAT included

Change to
Shared 80 !!

We are improving the shares from 09/14/23 SAME PRICE, MORE GIGS!*

Unlimited calls and gigs to choose from, to share several lines of your company

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Prices include VAT. 4G compatible navigation for all data types. Download to 128Kb until the end of the month. Unlimited voice credit subject to fair use rules. If the rules of reasonable use of voice are violated (mobile phone connection to SIMBOX, switchboards, etc.) the price of the tariff will be applied: Establishing a call €0.18, plus €0.10/minutes. SMS: €0.096, International SMS: €0.30. TARIFF IL.LIMITADA VOICE TOTAL: The rate includes 100Mb of data. Once the data browsing is over, the speed is reduced to 128Kb until the end of the month. Compatible with optional 1GB and 2GB vouchers. Recurring vouchers that add capacity to the rate for €1 (1GB) and €1.5 (2GB) VAT incl.

* refurbished product

*The old shares will be valid until 10/31/23

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